How to Navigate the system when you have a child with cancer is one of the most challenging events parents may face. There are essential key aspects to always have in mind like medical, insurance, psychological, and legal matters.

In general, we can point out that every family in this situation must procure:


  • Remain in contact with professionals in the field of Childhood Cancer.
  • Reading and understanding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that was later extended and modified by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Acts of 2004, 2008, and 2011.
  • Check if the children might need accommodation and assistance: Section 504 of The Federal Rehabilitation Act.
  • Access to advocacy programs that assist parents with financial concerns.
  • Parents need to remember that special education services are also available if the medical condition of children limits their vigor, readiness, or strength.
  • Information about school programs that offer virtual education for patients. It is also very important that the teacher visit the patient from time to time to ensure humane contact and proximity.
  • Emotional support and group therapy for families to help them sustain tests, interventions, and treatments.
  • Education of the parents and child patient with resources they can access and understand.
  • Medical diagnosis and the possibility of taking part in clinical trials.

Access to educational services in school

All starts with a referral to the school about the condition of the patient. Once that first part is completed parents need to engage in the evaluation, eligibility, and an individualized education program (IEP) of the minor, as well as participate in an annual and triennial review to continue with the service the school provides.

Once the referral is completed, the evaluation starts with the parents giving the proper permissions so the school can review the situation and, if positive, agree that the child requires more assistance, and in which way this will be satisfied. At this moment, if the answer is negative, parents can also ask for an independent evaluation but in that case the cost must be covered by the parents.

Worried parents looking for alternatives to help their children.

When the evaluation is completed, a meeting ensues. Following testimonies of parents who have been in the same position, it is highly recommendable to bring a doctor and an advocate to the meeting. The parents must also guarantee that they will attend all meetings concerning their child educational needs.

The next step is accessing the IEP program. At this stage, the parents and teachers must agree on what, how, and when the child will receive school lessons. In essence, the IEP allows children to access homeschooling, physical therapy, counseling, special teachers, among other services. The IEP also includes annual goals, benchmarks, ways to evaluate progress, and accommodations. It also shows the testing and graduation requirements process.

Little Girl being assisted by medical personal.

There are also legal remedies for parents who need to keep their benefits if they lose their jobs and are required to extend the insurance for their children

Medicaid, Medicare, and other insurance alternatives

Medicaid is an insurance program that includes the participation of the federal and state government. All states have an agency that administers this social aid.

You can use Medicaid to pay prescriptions, physical and occupational therapy, and doctor bills, among other medical expenditures.

Medicaid focuses on children in low-income families and disabled adults who cannot work. However, many can access Medicaid if they are not low-income, reducing the total amount to pay to a minimum. For more information, visit your Medicaid office

For Medicare, a federal program, by following the Title II and Title XVI of the Social Security Act (SSDI), and by fulfilling the proper requirements, children can access to payments to cover hospital bills, medical expenses and medical equipment, with some of these expenses being deducted from the social security check they receive. Click here to know more.

Keep in mind that accessing the services mentioned in both Titles II and Title XVI contemplate different requirements.  

Many states also provide insurance alternatives to high-risk child patients known as Child Health Insurance Plans (CHIP) ask for more information to your local Insurance Administration.


Keep in mind that accessing the services mentioned in both Titles II and Title XVI contemplate different requirements.

Legal remedies

There are also legal remedies for parents who need to keep their benefits if they lose their jobs and are required to extend the insurance for their children:

Options like COBRA (Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) provides continuation of insurance for 18 months if the employee is fired. 

ERISA (Employee Retirement and Income Security Act) Guarantee that private employees can collect benefits from health plans and much more while prohibiting employers from acting against them, like laying them off or trying to reduce their hours.

On the other side, HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) guarantees coverage if the parents of a child with cancer need to change jobs, if they have been insured for one year.

It also prevents patients with cancer from suffering from discrimination based on medical information, making it more accessible to them to access insurance.

After reviewing these options remember to get in contact with a social worker who can assist you in better ways and details on how to assist your child. Together we can make more families find the necessary resources to protect their children’s recovery.


A person about to sign an insurance document


What role can storytelling play in a child’s cognitive and emotional well-being? Storytelling for children is vital because it is the best conduit to teach valuable lessons while children actively follow an organized set of acts packed with stimuli in the form of colors, shapes, and characters.

Children are easily distracted. They have a short attention span, normal for their age, which is enhanced by today’s countless signs around them: colors, noises, and even smells. Plus, everything is new and presents an excellent opportunity to explore for them.

On the other hand, adults have numerous subjects to teach children during those first years, like science, morals, nature, good manners, the importance of friendship and family love, etc. Storytelling is the best way to address all those subjects, often with an entertaining and satisfactory ending.

Many questions might sound repetitive, but these are necessary for children to gain confidence.


More Benefits in the Long Term


Storytelling shows children that every story has a past, a present, and a future. It means it involves origins and consequences. A lesson can be learned if there is a consequence, a result that promotes or condemns certain attitudes or acts. Children can see themselves as the characters of a story and use that idea to hone their communication skills with their parents.

Children also need to ask questions. If they feel they are in a secure environment, they will ask more and more questions. Many might sound repetitive, but this is necessary to gain confidence. In the same way, parents can ask for more details and let children complete with their imagination what the stories don’t show.

On our side, Friends of Rick Daniels storytelling books, we have created numerous stories with valuable lessons about telling time, counting, addition, subtraction, exploring the world around us, and the power of imagination.


What to do after Reading?


Talk. Talking is the best way to share opinions. It is possible you encounter answers you didn’t expect. Let the children speak their minds; it might surprise you.

Help them verbalize and offer words they might seek to translate their thoughts.

Remember that storytelling also comes out of your own experiences. You can share stories and experiences of your childhood, so your children understand you have also gone down that same path and came out of it with a valuable lesson.

Let the children speak their minds; it might surprise you

By teaching children to create stories, you nurture their storytelling abilities and potentially ignite their passion for art, language games, creativity, and innovation.

Children Creating their own Stories.


Take a piece of paper and ask your children to draw characters and create a story about them.

Are they friends or perhaps rivals? Do they have an objective? Do they find difficulty reaching that objective? Do they reach their goal on the first attempt or after several? Are they happy with the result, or maybe it differs from what they expected? T

his exercise will help them find solutions in complex situations. We all have been in a scenario where we do not know how to say or express something we feel.

The importance of family union during sickness is undeniable. When a family member is sick, particularly a child, the rest of the family needs to work and focus on the child’s physical health and mental wellness.  

During sickness, many questions haunt the patient’s mind. How did I get sick? Why now? When would I recover? Why are others totally fine while I am sick for so long? During extended treatment periods, the family plays an essential role in sustaining their relative and caring for his needs and expectations.

Family and emotional support                                 

Family love brings cohesion and a sense of belonging. If the patients are children, they will feel supported and eased thanks to a sense of predictability which will calm their anxiety. They know their family will be there the next day for another battle.

If children suffer from a complex battling illness like cancer, this unconditional love must be cultivated and nourished daily. Of course, there will always be difficulties, and some days might look longer than others, but eventually, if you keep fighting, every challenge turns into a victory.

How can I cultivate love to improve the bond among family members, particularly children undergoing such significant trials?  Here are some ways you can nurture your family love:


  • Listen to your children’s desires, hopes, and wishes.
    • Spend some time talking about their dreams. They might keep some thoughts for them, which is fine, but ask them to tell you about their ideas and plans. Children still don’t have all the tools in their vocabulary to clearly express their feelings, and in some cases, they might think it is hard and consider that nobody understands them, so be patient.
  • Do not expect your children to change their mood.
    • Your children must acknowledge their feelings if they suffer from a disease like cancer. Sometimes, they would like to express their impotence and be angry before they calm down and regain confidence. Avoid trying to force them to feel happy all the time. Instead, give them time and space to express all their feelings.
  • Express your love generously.
    • When they achieve a milestone in their treatment, be very visual. Children need to feel they are being recognized, particularly after difficult times. Remember that the children who might express they do not like an emotional display of happiness usually need it most. Some kids are introverted and want something more personal and private but still want to feel recognized.  A gift would always be well received.


Preparing children for the future

Enjoying family love is essential to shape the human brain and guaranteeing its better function over the years. Adults who have received affection during demanding situations in their childhood have a better chance of recovering from depression, anxiety, and mental health problems.


Dysfunctional family?

No two families are the same; there are families where a father, mother, and maybe even both are absent. However, not only the unions made from bloodlines are families, but also the ones where love has transcended links and losses.

On the other hand, if there is a complex family history where love was not the center, individual and family therapy is available. Often, facing and coping with the past is the best way to heal in the present and secure a better future for all the family members.

Love must always be the center of any union, a love that does not look for pride, self-benefit, or self-satisfaction but only for the well-being of the other.


By Eduardo Guillen

May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.

                                                                                                                                                                                        -Trenton Lee Stewart-


‘There is a magical cave in the park, an almost hidden spot between the bushes next to the baseball field. Let’s explore it and find out what’s in it!’ This is a comment you usually hear among children, particularly the youngest ones. Of course, kids’ impulse for curiosity has always been present, but have you wondered how vital curiosity is for their development?

Let’s start by saying that curiosity is necessary for children’s brain development. Children are born with a natural tendency to explore, play and try to discover how the world works.

Click here to find out how important it is to play during childhood.

Children and Curiosity


Children have colossal imaginations, and some even create imaginary companions. Curiosity is a way of clarifying and matching their ideas and desires with the world.

Children adjust their imagination to find creative solutions to everyday problems as they discover more.  

In the past, excessive imagination and curiosity might have been passed as a weakness, like in the study of Dr. Benjamin Spock titled ‘Common Sense Book of Baby and Childcare.’

However, recent studies have shown that higher degrees of imagination during childhood can lead to highly creative and productive adults.

It is also valuable to consider that our organization, Friends of Rick Daniels, provides storybooks to children needing emotional support. A book full of illustrations is a great resource to quench children’s curiosity and thirst for adventures.

We can also show how children and curiosity go together with storybooks. Our books also include educational lessons like counting, telling time, taking the bus, and returning home safely.

Manage curiosity, pros, and cons


Parents and Custodians must allow children to explore and encourage them to discover new mechanics around them.

There might be cases in which parents are troubled after watching what would be unreasonable behavior: like being loud for a long time, trying to hear an echo, or throwing something to the floor to see if it bounces as a ball would do.

The day-to-day mischief is children’s way of finding out how things work.


Some kids might feel discouraged after trying to perform an activity just as they saw on TV or online. Instead, motivate them to keep trying to achieve their goals.

Nevertheless, supervision here is the key. However, do not turn children’s safety into an excuse to block their development. Here you can see how to cultivate curiosity:


  • Redirect discouragement: Some kids might feel discouraged after trying to perform an activity just as they saw on TV or online. Instead, motivate them to keep trying to achieve their goals.
  • Ask them open questions: Ask their opinions on simple matters so they can feel listened to. Even better, if the matter has been related to one activity previously performed by the kid, he will feel even more motivated to participate in the conversation. Children and curiosity definitely go together.
  • Take your kids to explore new places: the zoo, different parks, and the beach; their senses will receive new stimuli, and physical activity is always good for their bodies.


At the same time, avoid behavior that might block children’s curiosity, such as these:


  • Cultivate courage, not fear: Avoid saying, ‘You are going to break it,’ ‘You do not know how to handle it,’ or ‘You are going to get hurt.’ Expressing carefulness is always good but remember that you also need to provide children their own space and the possibility to make mistakes.
  • Be close to your children during their development: Children need parent figures. If you are not there to be one, the children will take it from somebody else. The presence of adults will also help them feel safe and encourage them to face challenges together until they feel ready to do them alone.

In this regard, showing them storybooks full of adventures and experiences about how knowledge is discovered and put to good use will stimulate their imagination and encourage them to overcome challenges. Find some here.


By Eduardo Guillen